by nextAdmin1 | Mar 14, 2022 | Domestic Violence
Being accused of domestic violence is incredibly serious. This is a life-changing type of accusation, and the person who’s making that accusation certainly knows it. If you’re the one being accused, so do you. But what if you also know that the comments...
by nextAdmin1 | Jun 16, 2021 | Domestic Violence
Domestic violence allegations usually stem from altercations or arguments between romantic partners or spouses. However, the law applies to those who cohabitate, not just those who are physically intimate. Such charges are often the result of he-said, she-said...
by nextAdmin1 | Jul 23, 2020 | Domestic Violence
What’s the very first thing that most people do after they get arrested? Panic. Their entire world has suddenly been upended, and they’re scared. That fear can lead people to do foolish things — like trying to interfere with a witness. Interfering with a...
by nextAdmin1 | Jan 23, 2019 | Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a problem in New Jersey and across the country. There is a steady supply of news reports exposing its prevalence in society today. Domestic violence is an often-heard term, but what exactly is it? The answer to this question is important to know...
by nextAdmin1 | Mar 23, 2017 | Domestic Violence
In today’s post, our blog will finish its ongoing discussion of New Jersey’s Prevention of Domestic Violence Act of 1991, which started with an examination of how this offense is defined, before moving into a discussion of domestic violence arrests and,...
by nextAdmin1 | Feb 6, 2017 | Domestic Violence
In a series of posts, we’ve been examining the scope of New Jersey’s Prevention of Domestic Violence Act of 1991, including how it defines this criminal offense, who is protected by its provisions and, most recently, the circumstances in which law...