Understanding Your Situation
Criminal Defense Blog
When you have been charged with a crime, it is critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney–Weinstock Defense is prepared to build a compelling case to support your interests. This blog is full of educational and informative content that will help you understand the legal process and the options available to you. Ed Weinstock has years of experience practicing criminal law and has developed this blog as a means to supporting clients and providing helpful, informative resources to better help you understand the scope of legal situations.

Megan’s Law and the sex offender registry: What you should know
Megan’s Law was introduced in 1994 to protect children from repeat sex offenders. While it has undoubtedly helped keep some children safe, it can have massive consequences for your future if you are wrongly convicted of a sexual offense, What does Megan’s Law entail?...
Speeding in New Jersey has hefty penalties and a potential prison sentence
Speeding is something that most drivers do at one time or another. Unfortunately, it is a crime to go over the speed limit, and you could face harsh penalties for doing so. If you’re stopped and accused of speeding, you should know that you can defend yourself and...
How far back does New Jersey law go for multiple DWI convictions?
Everyone knows that drinking and driving is against the law in New Jersey. What you might not know, especially if you have never been charged with DWI before, is that the punishments for a drunk driving conviction get increasingly harsh the second, third or subsequent...
Caught in heavy traffic? Don’t make these mistakes
Driving in heavy traffic is easier said than done. Even though it’s slow-moving, there are many challenges standing between you and your final destination. Not only do you have to protect yourself against mistakes by other drivers, but you also have to consider the...
Counterfeit casino cheques could land you in jail
Poker sets come with plastic chips, which you use as currency while playing the game. Of course, they are worthless, even if they look like cheques, which is the technical name for the ones casinos use. If you tried to cash your toy chips in at a casino, the cashier...
Does a witness recall you? Or is their memory playing tricks?
If accused of a criminal offense, you may feel hopeful you can prove your innocence. Then the prosecution announces it has a witness who places you at the scene of the crime. Witnesses have been vital to many prosecutions over the years. People have been put behind...
How much trouble can you get into for a little graffiti in New Jersey?
“Street art” has become very popular, especially in urban areas and among young people. Unfortunately, youthful exuberance about that kind of art can lead to some unauthorized experimentation with paint cans -- and wind up with criminal charges. In New Jersey,...
Should pretextual traffic stops be legal?
It may not surprise you to learn that the police routinely pull people over for minor traffic or equipment violations only to use that traffic stop to investigate for other crime. In many cases, this is perfectly legal. In fact, in 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court...
Even slight involvement in a drug sale can lead to charges against you
New Jersey's criminal code punishes a wide range of activities related to drugs. Whether you are the alleged head of a drug trafficking operation, or you were trying to help a friend for no pay, you could face serious charges. Third party to drug deal charged with...
Word to the wise: Your cellphone is no longer safe from intrusion in New Jersey
When you think of the most personal things in your possession, does your cellular phone come to mind? These days, almost everybody has a powerful little personal computer right in their purse, pocket or bag -- and the business they conduct on their phones is often...