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Criminal Defense Blog
When you have been charged with a crime, it is critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney–Weinstock Defense is prepared to build a compelling case to support your interests. This blog is full of educational and informative content that will help you understand the legal process and the options available to you. Ed Weinstock has years of experience practicing criminal law and has developed this blog as a means to supporting clients and providing helpful, informative resources to better help you understand the scope of legal situations.

Want to stay out of trouble at the casino? Leave these at home
What do things like sliding, past-posting, collusion, marked decks, false shuffles, false cuts and capped bets have in common? They’re all generally considered cheating when you’re in a casino -- and doing any of them could leave you exposed to both civil and criminal...
Do parents really influence underage drinking?
If you’re a parent who is worried that your child may begin drinking while still underage, you’re likely trying to figure out how to address it. There are, of course, conflicting opinions. Some say that telling your children they should never drink just makes it taboo...
Do the new laws in New Jersey mean no more marijuana crimes?
In February of this year, New Jersey joined many other states that have changed their marijuana laws to legalize recreational use. With the governor's signature, three pieces of legislation became state laws that allow adults 21 or older to legally possess and use...
Accused of a crime? You don’t have to prove your innocence
When people find themselves facing serious criminal charges, they often think that the goal of going to court is to prove their own innocence. They want to show that the charges are false and prove that they did nothing wrong. This mindset makes sense, as you’re...
What is a crime of passion?
You may have heard people say that someone else was involved in a crime of passion. This is often brought up in reference to murder cases. What does this mean and why is it used as a defense? The dictionary defines a crime of passion as one that takes place when...
Understanding the legal consequences of underage gambling
Accept in rare cases, people who are under the legal drinking age of 21 are not allowed in New Jersey casinos. There are exceptions for those who have to walk through a casino to get to another room or if they’re allowed to be there for some other legal reason. The...
What is improper passing, and are there penalties for it?
If you’re driving around other vehicles, you need to be sure that you are taking steps to prevent crashes. You should follow the traffic laws and do your best to pay attention to what’s happening around you. If you suddenly pass a vehicle heading the same direction on...
How will a DUI arrest affect my teenager’s future?
Teenagers have their whole life ahead of them, and while this can be an exciting and hopeful prospect, it can also be a daunting one, especially when their current actions can negatively affect their future significantly. You may be hoping that your teenage child will...
Involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter and murder: What’s the difference?
When someone dies in a violent event, the charges against the other party or parties involved may not always be immediately clear. Instead, prosecutors may charge a defendant with, including voluntary or involuntary manslaughter. Understanding the difference between...
What are the knife laws in New Jersey?
If you are a New Jersey resident who is facing charges regarding possession or use of a knife, it might be useful to familiarize yourself with a case from 2017. State of New Jersey v. Montalvo was a case heard by the New Jersey Supreme Court that in a narrow way...