Understanding Your Situation
Criminal Defense Blog
When you have been charged with a crime, it is critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney–Weinstock Defense is prepared to build a compelling case to support your interests. This blog is full of educational and informative content that will help you understand the legal process and the options available to you. Ed Weinstock has years of experience practicing criminal law and has developed this blog as a means to supporting clients and providing helpful, informative resources to better help you understand the scope of legal situations.

Avoiding jail time is not the only focus for defense tactics
When people are accused of serious crimes and they begin looking into their criminal defense options, they often have some expectations about trying to stay out of jail. They believe that they need to get the charges dropped and that they can avoid any serious...
What happens if you default on a casino marker?
Atlantic City is a popular destination for out-of-state tourists as well as New Jersey residents looking for an exciting getaway. People can let go of their daily lives and experience a thrill. Getting credit at a casino makes it easier for you to lose yourself in the...
Could your buddy’s drug habit lead to charges for you?
You’ve been fast friends with your buddy for a long time. Maybe you even share an apartment, work together or share your daily commute. To date, your buddy’s drug habit has never alarmed you, and you don’t think much about it until the police come calling. Suddenly,...
Can a police error beat my DUI charges?
When facing DUI charges, it can feel like there is no way to defend yourself. While you may feel like pleading guilty is the best way to avoid or reduce the consequences of a conviction, you may want to consider defending yourself by going after the arresting...
Can you use physical force to defend yourself in New Jersey?
You’ve lived your whole life without ever using physical violence. Violence is alien to most people, and the mere thought of it can be extremely upsetting. One day, you’re having a look around Atlantic city with your family. You were minding your own business when...
Parole violations aren’t always deliberate
If a person is convicted of a severe criminal offense, or they are facing prosecution having been convicted in the past, then the court may impose a sentence that includes jail time. During their time in jail, the behavior of an inmate will be monitored. Negative...
How do you handle a criminal charge out of state?
If you are facing criminal charges for alleged crimes committed out of state, you need to know how to handle them. You may be expected to come to court in that state and could face harsh penalties if you try to avoid doing so. When you’re dealing with a DUI or other...
Why would someone lie about domestic violence?
Being accused of domestic violence is incredibly serious. This is a life-changing type of accusation, and the person who's making that accusation certainly knows it. If you're the one being accused, so do you. But what if you also know that the comments they're making...
The cost of your second (or third) DUI
The first drunk driving charge was a wake-up call. Like most, you thought you would not get caught but realized the actual consequences when it finally happened. In the months afterward, you had every intention to take the precautions to avoid that situation again,...
A plea deal is not always the better option
You might be thinking that a plea deal is heaven-sent. After all, you will likely face a reduced sentence depending on the terms of the agreement with the prosecution. However, everything is not as it seems. Rushing into accepting a plea deal is a mistake many people...