Understanding Your Situation
Criminal Defense Blog
When you have been charged with a crime, it is critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney–Weinstock Defense is prepared to build a compelling case to support your interests. This blog is full of educational and informative content that will help you understand the legal process and the options available to you. Ed Weinstock has years of experience practicing criminal law and has developed this blog as a means to supporting clients and providing helpful, informative resources to better help you understand the scope of legal situations.

2 traffic violations that can prompt a DUI stop
If you drive on a regular basis, chances are you have gotten yourself in some form of a traffic violation situation at some point. Whereas a ticket for a traffic violation can be stressful and costly, it is usually a straightforward process – you pay the fine or...
When can you use force to defend yourself?
The overwhelming majority of individuals take no pleasure from being involved in physical violence of any kind. Unfortunately, a large number of these people will also find themselves under attack at some point in time. In such a scenario, are you entitled to use...
What is a primary traffic offense?
In some cases, traffic violations will be viewed as primary or secondary offenses. The differences in these definitions can change between states. For example, some states list texting and driving as a primary violation, while others only consider it to be a secondary...
Does New Jersey automatically seal juvenile criminal records?
The law in New Jersey treats underage people who break the law differently than those over the age of 18. There is a much stronger focus on rehabilitation when the person accused of violating the law is a minor. The penalties they face will typically be less severe,...
How does constructive possession happen?
Actual possession occurs when someone is caught with illegal substances on their person, such as in a hand or a pocket. Possession of any form of an illegal substance can lead to serious criminal charges. These charges may include thousands of dollars and fees and...
Can sexual consent be withdrawn?
Prior to any intimate encounter, it’s important for both people to have consent from the other party. Only when it is clear that both people are interested in engaging in the activity should they continue. But what you may be wondering is if that consent can ever be...
Should you yield to the Breathalyzer test in New Jersey?
Not many experiences are as frightening as being pulled over for a drunk driving investigation. And there is a pretty good reason for this: A conviction for drunk driving in New Jersey comes with serious legal and personal consequences. If you are stopped for a DWI...
New Jersey laws and the use of electronic devices while gambling
As digital technology has evolved, you can bet that New Jersey’s laws have evolved to address using electronic devices to cheat in casinos. Gambling is big business in New Jersey, and the state has a number of laws that address the use of these devices to give someone...
Understanding unlawful search and seizure
As a U.S. citizen, you are entitled to freedom from government intrusion – to an extent. There are limits to your privacy and authorities (when justified) have the right to search your property if a crime is suspected. It’s important to know your rights and the...
3 ways a DUI conviction will hurt your career
New Jersey takes drunk driving very seriously. Depending on the severity of the offense (first-time or repeat offender), a DUI conviction can lead to serious legal consequences. However, the consequences of a DUI conviction can extend far beyond the driver’s license...