If you drive on a regular basis, chances are you have gotten yourself in some form of a traffic violation situation at some point. Whereas a ticket for a traffic violation can be stressful and costly, it is usually a straightforward process – you pay the fine or contest the ticket and carry on with life.
However, what sometimes begins as a simple traffic stop can lead to a DUI investigation. This is because the police will often use a traffic violation as grounds for pulling a driver over for a DUI investigation. In other words, they must be reasonably suspicious that you could be drunk driving to stop you for a DUI investigation.
Here are two traffic violations that can prompt the police to stop you for a DUI investigation.
Reckless driving
If you are conversant with traffic laws, you probably understand that reckless driving is a more serious offense than most moving violations. You will be charged with reckless driving if you operate a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers the lives of other road users. Examples of reckless driving patterns that can lead to a stop for DUI investigation include erratic speeding and stopping, tailgating and running the red lights.
Lane violations
Swerving in and out of your lane or driving in the wrong lane will most definitely gain the attention of the police. This explains why lane violation is one of the most common traffic violations that lead to DUI stops. Examples of lane violations include swerving in and out of your lane, changing lanes without turning your indicator on or hugging the centerline.
Being pulled over for a DUI investigation can be a frightening experience. Find out how you can safeguard your rights and interests during and after a DUI stop.