Understanding Your Situation

Criminal Defense Blog

When you have been charged with a crime, it is critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney–Weinstock Defense is prepared to build a compelling case to support your interests. This blog is full of educational and informative content that will help you understand the legal process and the options available to you. Ed Weinstock has years of experience practicing criminal law and has developed this blog as a means to supporting clients and providing helpful, informative resources to better help you understand the scope of legal situations.

Reviewing the accuracy of breath test devices

In New Jersey, and in most other states across the nation, law enforcement officers use roadside breath test devices to determine whether a driver is operating a vehicle while intoxicated. If the breath test device measures the driver's blood alcohol content level at...

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Can sex offenders use social media?

If you have been charged and are found guilty of committing a sexual offense, you may be banned from using certain social media sites as a result of your conviction. In New Jersey, and in other states across the country, convicted sex offenders listed on the sex...

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Synthetic drugs in New Jersey

Once available over the counter, synthetic and designer drugs are illegal across New Jersey. Today, a black market has developed and recent arrests suggest a rising tide for the manmade intoxicants. Synthetic drugs are chemical compositions, created for recreation...

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Weinstock Defense Practice Areas Include…

Aggressive Assault & Homicide

Drug & Gun Crimes

DUIs & Traffic Offenses

Sex Crimes