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At Weinstock Defense, we have a proven track record of providing clients with aggressive, effective legal aid. While criminal law is our primary focus, our attorneys are also available to help injury victims receive deserved compensation. Our Atlantic City, NJ, law office is prepared to deliver the highest level of representation while protecting your best interests.

Dedicated Attorney Serving South Jersey.
White Collar Crimes
Embezzlement, corporate fraud and identity theft are all types of white collar crimes. They can cause you years of stress and worry—not to mention legal fees that cut into your savings. Suddenly, it’s hard for anyone to trust you.
How do you preserve your reputation? How do you avoid prison when faced with serious white collar crimes? The best defense is a strong offense, and that means turning to an aggressive attorney, like Weinstock Defense of Atlantic City.
Casino Crimes
Weinstock Defense’s criminal law attorneys have represented numerous individuals charged with crimes allegedly committed in casinos throughout the state. Our firm has represented casino employees, managers, and visitors in all types of crimes related to casinos. At Weinstock defense, we understand how complex such cases are, as well as what should be done to help you receive the best possible outcome for your situation.
Personal Injury
Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can mean the difference between receiving just enough compensation from your insurance company and getting a fair settlement that reflects the true value of your injuries.
Weinstock Defense aggressively pursues personal injury and tort claims on behalf of clients in South Jersey and the Jersey Shore who have been physically or materially harmed by negligence.
Case Results
State v. R.C. – Appeal – Sentence Reduced. A jury convicted R.C. of conspiracy, criminal coercion and invasion of privacy. On appeal, Weinstock Defense successfully argued that the sentence imposed was excessive. The appellate division reversed the sentence, making R.C. immediately eligible for parole.
State v. F.A. – Filed a Petition for Post Conviction Relief (“PCR”) – client had previously plead guilty to possession with intent to distribute over 20 years ago not realizing that such plea made him eligible for deportation. Filed various PCRs through other counsel, which were all unsuccessful. Able to convince the prosecutor to reconsider State’s position after filing of PCR motion and ultimately conviction was overturned and charges were vacated/dismissed.
State v. H.O. – Filed a Petition for Post Conviction Relief (“PCR”) – client had previously plead guilty to criminal sexual contact over 14 years ago not realizing that such plea made him eligible for Megan’s Law Supervision and deportation. Able to convince the prosecutor to reconsider State’s position after filing of PCR motion and ultimately conviction was overturned and charges were vacated/dismissed.
Civil Rights
W.F. And W.G v. Police Officers M.P. And J.H. – “Jury Verdict $360,000.” W.F. and W.G. claimed that members of the police department violated their civil rights. Weinstock Defense successfully asserted that the stop and search of W.F. and W.G. were unconstitutional. After a two-week trial, the jury awarded W.F. and W.G. $360,000 in compensatory damages.
Personal Injury
J.F. v. S.H. – Personal Injury Award. J.F. tripped and fell at a local car dealership, injuring her left knee, which subsequently required surgery. Prior to trial, Weinstock Defense settled the negligence claims against S.H. for $35,000.
Collection Of Interest In PA Estate. K.J. was one of six children of P.J., who died during pending medical malpractice action in Philadelphia. Following the settlement of P.J.’s claims, Weinstock Defense was instrumental in recovering nearly $42,000 on behalf of K.J.’s estate.
O.L.R. v. Estate Of J.D. – Collection Of Fees For Services. J.D. was a resident of O.L.R. Nursing Home. J.D. failed to pay for services provided in accordance with the admissions agreement. Weinstock Defense successfully negotiated and recovered $34,000 on behalf of O.L.R.
B.C.C.A v. J.P. – Collection Of Condo Fees. J.P., a condominium unit owner, failed to pay condo fees and assessments pursuant to the B.C.C.A. master deed and bylaws. Weinstock Defense successfully negotiated and recovered $20,000 on behalf of B.C.C.A.
J.S. v. T.H. – Deposit Refunded. T.H. defaulted on a payment plan pursuant to an agreement with J.S. Weinstock Defense was successful in recovering money owed to J.S. prior to litigation.
Casinos v. Y.K. – Debt Reduced. Y.K. was indebted to casinos for $65,000. Weinstock Defense negotiated a debt settlement for $30,000.
Estate Of K.J. v. County – Wrongful Termination – Damages Recovered. K.J. claimed wrongful termination from her county employer. K.J. subsequently died. Weinstock Defense settled the estate of K.J.’s claims against the county for $40,000.
County v. D.C. – Reduced Disciplinary Period. The county sought disciplinary sanctions against D.C., a county employee. Weinstock Defense negotiated a reduced suspension, whereby D.C. served only half of the suspension without pay.